United States Military Order of the Cooties

"The Honor Degree of the VFW"

Pup Tent 6 (Chiang Mai Members)


Member #                     Name   

72                          Alton Evans

83                          Bobby Owens

84                          Michael Glatz

85                          Michael Holmes

104                        Allan Gariano

123                        Robert Rositer

124                        Tom Bordeaux

128                        Carl Manchester

130                        Kristine Gould

131                        Roy Mark

143                        Michael Stelzig

144                        Sean Citron

145                        John Richards



"Honor, Loyalty, Perseverance and Industry"


To be a member, you must receive an invitation. Persons making application for membership in the Military Order of the Cootie shall have done much toward the promotion of a greater VFW, through being active members for at least six months in a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and through completion of satisfactory service on a Post committee or satisfactory performance of Post duties or participating actively as a leader of post functions. The applicant’s Post Commander and Post Adjutant certify eligibility by signing the MOC Application.